We are very excited about the 2012 Group Study Exchange Team that will be traveling to District 1890 (Hamburg and Northern Germany) in May and June of 2012. The team will consist of a Rotarian team leader, four team members, and an alternate in case one of the team is unable to make the trip.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Tuesday was very interesting and great fun. We had tours of alternative energy sites. I don't know a lot about this topic but the Germans seem way ahead of us in this area, if not in the technology at least in how much they are using it. I have always wanted to be up close to one of those big windmills and we were inside the base. Standing at the bottom of a windmill those huge propellers are so impressive as they swing around. We also visited a plant that bottles mineral water and other drinks. The automated production is amazing. Then on to a company that makes road safety equipment - the big flashing lights the warn of upcoming traffic issues. Again, the automation in making the circuit boards was most impressive. Then we had a short walking tour of the center of Husum, led by Husum Rotarian Martin Evers, to do some shopping and see the sights. Our presentation at the RC of Husum went very well. The District Governor, Wolfgang Müller-Michaelis, attended so we got to meet him. He liked our song so much he wants us to perform it at our District Conference. I must admit I had some doubts about the song as we were preparing in the USA, but it seems to go over very well here. People sing with us and you can see on their faces how much they like it. Finally, we went to the home of Bahne Bahnsen, who with his wife is one of the host families, to celebrate the birthdays of Agus and Bahne. We all had to stay up until midnight drinking and eating so we could celebrate on May 30, their actual birthday. It was a great day.