We are now in Flensburg, Germany and I crossed the border into Denmark! My host father (Hans Müller) took me there and we walked along the water and stopped for a hot dog. Yes a hot dog with fried onions, raw onions, pickles, mustard and ketchup on a toasted bun. Delicious! Then we had dinner with Hans daughter and grand-daughter. I have been eating so well and not moving to make up for it so that when I was asked what I would like to do I said I'd like to go for a walk. So we walked to a nearby "public forest" and walked along the trails. There were balancing beams all along the trails so you could practice your balance, I saw some stinky black pigs, and Lena (Hans Grand-daughter) had me eat a plant but I don't remember what is was called. Apparently the edge of the plant can make you itchy but if you fold the ends together you can eat it. Lena saw that I thought it was strange so she ate it first and then I did. It had a refreshing herb taste. Interesting.
I'm looking forward to seeing and learning about Flensburg. For now I must sleep. Gute Nacht :)
Danish hot dog in Denmark |
Lena and I on the balancing beams |
"the plant" I ate |