Sunday, June 17, 2012

Goodbye Sylt.

Hello Hamburg. Our arrival at the Hamburg railroad station was so chaotic that I didn't get any pictures.  But here are my wonderful host family the von Oertzens Arndt, his wife Christiana, and their daughter Maria.

Yesterday Arndt and I had a walk along a lake where we talked about music, golf, history, politics, families, etc, etc. We had a lovely dinner with some visiting friends from Argentina. This morning Arndt and I got in a jog before breakfast. We then did some city touring with the Argentines. Here is a view from the top of the St. Michel's church of the new and controversial (unfinished and way over budget) concert hall, the Elbphilharmonie. We will be visiting it tomorrow.
The we went on a tour by ship of Hamburg Harbor. Fascinating. The second largest harbor in Europe. Here are shots of the QE2 and a container ship over 320 meters long. I think I took more pictures in this one hour than I have at any other single stop.

Tonight it is German soccer. Yea!