Friday, June 15, 2012

Sylt is incredibly beautiful - it is like some kind of cross between Cape Cod, Maine, and Scotland. It contains the most expensive real estate in Germany, and that is a blessing and a curse. It brings lots of wealthy people and tourists to the island where they spend money, but it also increases prices and the cost of living for everyone. We are told that some very wealthy Germans buy a house here, live in it only one month in the year, and don't rent it out. So for most of the year no one is living there. The locals talk about "dark"villages where there are no lights all winter. Last night our presentation went very well at the Sylt RC. Yesterday we got a tour of the whole island. Here is the team at the northern-most point of Germany.

During our tour we saw "Willie" the (female) seal
and a beautiful lighthouse.
Today the team had a half vocational day and I was lucky enough to get to take a long bike ride using my host Ralf's bike. This is where I rode.

Finally, this is what the sky looks like at 11:15 pm.